Currently accepting stories, art and photography for our upcoming anthology
Story Call For Submissions
New Legends Series
New Legends Series
New Legends
Mercenary • Engineer • Captain, Book 2
New Legends
The Hero • The Anti-Hero • The Vigilante, Book 2
Any Genre
Visual Adjectives accept submissions directly from authors and prefer to first receive a proposal outlining your work, your target market and background information. We spent a great deal of time to be as clear as possible with what we are looking for in order to make it easy for you to submit your work. We accept electronic submissions as well as printed material.
Send E-mail to submission@visadj.com or complete our submission form on our contact page
When Submitting:
1. Upload your finished manuscript as a Word document (either .doc or .docx) only.
2. Include a cover/query letter containing:
First and Last Name (and pseudonym if applicable)
Mailing Address
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Web Address (if available)
Submission Title
Word count
Target market/Intended audience
Brief story summary/ synopsis/ Table of Contents
3. The first five consecutive chapters
4. Photos or illustrations
All pages must be:
Times New Roman 12 point font.
Left justified.
1-inch margins on all sides.
0.5-inch indentation at the beginning of each paragraph.
Letter format (not A4 or international).
Pages consecutively numbered throughout. Chapters not numbered separately.
Numbering begins on the cover/query page in the upper right corner.
Header on every page containing title, page number, author name and contact information.
No footnotes or endnotes in your manuscript.
All electronic comments (track changes) and corrections between authors have been removed (not just turned off).
Proofread your paper carefully before submission (or use a copy editor if necessary).
When submitting by e-mail, your subject line must include author name and title of the manuscript. A maximum of 1-2 sentences introduction in the e-mail body. If your file is too large to submit by e-mail, you may send it as separate files, or see our contact page for the mailing address. Electronic submissions will be responded to via e-mail. You will receive an e-mail notification confirming receipt. For submissions sent via regular mail, include a SASE (self addressed, stamped envelope). Do not send your only copy.
Visual Adjectives will accept unsolicited manuscripts from authors, previously published or not. Manuscripts are evaluated on the quality of their content and you can be assured your manuscript will be read and considered by taking the time before submission to make sure you follow the requirements listed.
Everything does not have to be perfect, but strive to maintain excellence so that we can see what type of product you have and how it can be used. We have many people that create products meant for a certain audience or genre, but it is found to be rated more for another. We have some that are quite the opposite. Many of us enjoy having a team of interested people helping to develop our worlds, stories, and ideas. It’s really powerful and it makes your skills improve. Once we know what you have, we can work with you to push it in the direction that you envision.
We pay royalties on monies received from sales in all outlets. Royalties are paid on a calendar quarter basis by company check or PayPal. Please allow 4 – 6 weeks for review. Every effort will be made to expedite this process and to give each project our fullest attention.
Visual Adjectives accepts simultaneous submissions provided that the author or agent makes this clear in a cover letter and immediately informs us if and when another publisher has tendered an offer or has accepted the work for publication. Your interest in Visual Adjectives is greatly appreciated.