Mythical creatures, terms, lost words, expressions, dictionary, middle ages, riddles, puzzles, castles, Latin Quotes, architecture, religions, medieval times, magical beings, ancient times, life, style, name it, there's a book for it.
If you're a writer and you've done much research, nothing is more aggravating than using information and then when you need the information AGAIN, you can't remember where you found it in the first place. If you're like me, when you do research and find what you're looking for, you catalog it carefully or create a spreadsheet with the information alphabetized. Or my other favorite thing, just buy the book. However, that can not only get to be expensive, but it takes up a lot of space.
I have boxes of books and I label boxes with the title of the books for reference, because when it doubt, I always refer to the book. The box I pulled out contains a mixture of books I think can be appealing to a lot of readers. I was looking for Poplollies & Bellibones, which is on this list first. I adore this book for some strange, quirky reason. It now rests on my bookshelf, since I will be referring to it regularly.
The following is a (relatively) short list of other books that was in that same box. They are all good reads and great reference material when writing. Take a look and then please share some of your favorites.
Poplollies & Bellibones: A celebration of Lost Words Along with Tenderfeet and Ladyfingers: A compendium of Body Language By Susan Kelz Sperling
Medieval Wordbook: More than 4,000 Terms and Expressions From Medieval Culture By Madeleine Pelner Cosman
Flip Dictionary By Barbara Ann Kipfer
Religions: Belief, Ceremonies, Festivals, Sects, Sacred Texts-Visual Reference Guides By Philip Wilkinson
Fiction Writer's Brainstormer By James V. Smith Jr.
Gothic: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting By Rolf Toman
Romanesque: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting By Rolf Toman
Words that Sell: More than 6,000 Entries to Help You Promote Your Products, Services and Ideas By Richard Bayan
Lair of the Sphinx: A Riddle Book by Darryl See, Matt Mayfield
The Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures: The Ultimate A-Z of Fantastic Beings From Myth and Magic By John and Caitlyn Matthews
The Ulitimate Encyclopedia of Mythical Creatures By Emmet Dempsey
Shadowman's Twisted Treasury: A Collection of Killer Puzzles By Matt Mayfield and Rick Smith
Fantasmagoria: An Atlas of Fabulous Creatures, Magical Monsters and Enchanted Beings By Julia Bruce
Spirits, Fairies, Leprechauns, and Goblins: An Encyclopedia By Carol Rose
The Mythical Creatures Bible: The Definitive Guide to Legendary Beings By Brenda Rosen
Castles: Their Construction and History By Sidney Toy
The Medieval Fortress: Castles, Forts, and Walled Cities of the Middle Ages By J.E. Kaufmann
Building the Medieval World (Medieval Imagination) By Christine Sciacca
Early Medieval Architecture By Roger Stalley
Note Bene: A guide to Familiar Latin Quotes and Phrases By Robin Langley Sommer
Everyday Life in Ancient Times (Highlights of the Beginnings of Western Civilization in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and Rome- Illustrated) By The National Geographic Society
Everyday Life in the Ancient World: A Guide to Travel in Ancient Times By Sally Tagholm
The French Chateau: Life, Style, Tradition BY Chrsitane De Nicolay-Mazery, (Author)
Majesty of the French Quarter, The (Majesty Architecture) By Kerri McCaffety
We are happy to let you know that if you wish to obtain any of these publications, we hunted some of them down and added them to the Visual Adjectives bookstore. You can find them in the Writers Resource Collection. Any not added were no longer in print, although there were only two of those. You may find the ones we could not add to our bookstore available on
