Writing a Fantasy? Better yet, a dark, gloomy Gothic? Here is a list of words that are simply MUST HAVES for such a work:
1. Penury - A state of extreme poverty.
2. Equivocal - deliberately vague, with the intention to mislead.
3. Unction - the act of anointing as a part of a religious or healing ritual.
4. Chalcedony - a family of colored quartz. Usually milky or waxy in color and/or appearance.
5. Welkin - (archaic term) the vault of heaven, the sky.
6. Warison - the bugle call giving the command to attack; a war cry.
7. Tenenbrous - Dark and gloomy.
8. Sanguine - the color of blood. Ruddy, florid (referring to the complexion.)
9. Rogation - a solemn prayer or supplication.
10. Perspicatious - acutely discerning, perceptive or understanding.
11. Obdurate - Hardened against good or moral influence.
12. Moue - a sulky or disdainful expression. A pout.
13. Lupine - wolf like, ravenous.
14. Legubrious - mournful or doleful; to an extreme degree.
15. Aubergine - A deep, dark purple. The color of an eggplant.